Was man über den Kauf kleiner Hotels gelernt hat

Dies ist unser Ort, um die Notizen von der Entwicklung von buythathotel.com zu teilen. Viele Erkenntnisse, die wir auf unserer bisherigen Reise gesammelt haben, werden wir hier veröffentlichen.

Price map of Spanish real estate
The 2024 sales analysis provides a detailed overview of the Spanish real estate market.
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Sorgfaltspflicht vor dem Kauf Ihres ersten Hotels (Teil 2)
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Technologien und Methoden, die bei einer Immobilieninspektion verwendet werden.
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Due diligence before buying your first hotel
Thorough due diligence is essential in any real estate investment and especially before purchasing your first hotel.
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How to identify off-market hotels for sale (part 2)
Find off-market hotel deals by identifying distressed properties, uncovering ownership info, and using local networks.
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Staffing Challenges in Hospitality
Finding and keeping reliable staff isn’t always straightforward, with issues that can vary widely depending on location and seasonality.
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Identifying areas with potential for your hotel
As a first-time hotel owner, you’ll want to lower the risk of your investment by choosing a property that is likely to appreciate. 
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Analyzing transportation data (flights, trains, highways) when buying a new hotel
Trains and flights are the primary modes of long-distance travel, and understanding their impact on hotel performance is essential.
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How to identify off-market hotels for sale
How do you identify those owners who may be open to selling and have a hotel with untapped potential?
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The number of hotels for sale in Spain dropped by 8% in 2024
The number of hotels for sale in Spain dropped by 8% in August 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Last year, there were over 1,300 hotels for sale, while this year, there are just over 1,200.
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Your guide to buying a small hotel in Costa Rica
This guide will walk you through the process of purchasing property in Costa Rica, along with tips for maximizing returns on your small hotel investment.
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Risk of wildfires in Portugal
Our map tool for analyzing hotel deals in Portugal has a layer that shows the Risk of Wildfires. Let's see how accurate it is.
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How many rooms should have your first hotel?
When purchasing a hotel, the size of the property is an essential consideration that can significantly affect the success of your investment.
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Surprising observations about hotels for sale in Portugal
Here are some surprising things I've learned in the last months about the Portuguese market.
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